Why Adopt an Older Puppy?
The pros and cons of getting an older puppy: Cons: They aren't as little anymore, a young puppy is super darling! You get to train and bond with them while they are little. The Pros of getting an older dog: a lot of the earliest hardest training is already done. They are already sleeping through the night, they are over their first "fear period" they are getting a lot of basic training, they know to look at you, to sit, to walk on a leash they are leaning "touch" and other basic commands. They like, and are good in their crates, they have had their vaccination and de-worming. They have been spayed, or neutered, and a lot of the early expenses of a puppy has already be done. including grooming, vet visits, training, food, They don't need any more vaccinations until they are a year old) You get a better idea of how big they will be and what their adult coat might look like.
We are offering a limited number of trained dogs for sale to families looking for a trained pet or someone seeking a service dog with a great foundation. This is a fabulous way to get an exceptional dog. The puppies that go through this training program have started housebreaking (no accidents at our house, but they would still need to learn that YOUR house is not the place to potty). OUR TRAINED LABRADOODLES HAVE STARTED HOUSEBREAKING, ARE CRATE TRAINED, EXTENSIVELY SOCIALIZED TO A VARIETY OF PLACES, PEOPLE, AND EXPERIENCES, AS WELL AS LEARN BASIC OBEDIENCE. WE BELIEVE THE BEST DOG IS ONE WHO IS TRULY A JOY TO LIVE WITH. HAVING REMARKABLE MANNERS NOT ONLY AT HOME, BUT ANYWHERE YOU WANT TO TAKE THEM IN PUBLIC.
Check out our older available puppies