Only 3 Puppies Left
Time has gone by so quickly and it has been a crazy couple of weeks at the Ellsworth household (puppies, new grandson, a suprize visit from my son from Arizona, and a visit from Great Grandma). Almost all of the puppies have gone to their forever homes. MV from Maple's litter and Clella Bell from Ruby's litter will be joining our breeding program and going to guardian homes. Clella Bell has her guardian home, but we are still looking for the perfect fit for MV (she also needs her permanent name, any ideas?). If you are interested in being a guardian, please see "guardian opportunities" and call JoAn (801-754-4279).
Two of Ruby's girls are still for sale and are looking for their forever homes. They are both light in color. Isadore is whiter with apricot patches on her ears and back. Pauline is more solid apricot. They are both amazing puppies that will light up your life. They get a lot of play time with other dogs and socialization with children of all ages. We are working on training these puppies and will miss them when they go home. See more pictures and information on these little girls under "Ruby's puppies."