Reservation fees and Puppy Allocation
Is the reservation fee refundable?
Reservation fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
What does making a deposit mean? Is that the same thing as a reservation fee? How do you decide who gets which puppy?
A deposit and a reservation fee is basically the same thing, it is non-refundable. Your order in the puppy allocation will be based on when your reservation fee is received.
When you submit an application, you will be able to give me a first and 2nd choice regarding color and gender realizing it may change, and the person in front of you might change their minds too. This reservation fee doesn't lock in which exact puppy you get- only the opportunity to have one of these puppies.
I might hold back 1 or 2 puppies in each litter as possible breeders so I always get first pick. I make my decision on which puppy I will keep after they have their "aptitude" tested at 7 weeks old and have their structure evaluation completed at 8 weeks old. These tests help me decide which puppy will make the best breeder and improve the breed. I have also decided that I might use my "breeder spot" for specific service or therapy work. If a client has a trainer set up and that trainer wants to help in picking a therapy or service dog, I have the right to let them use my pick. I know waiting until the puppies are 8 weeks to know which puppy you will get makes it a little tough for people that really want a certain color or gender. From my experience, I prefer to place puppies based on personalities that will fit best with each family rather than just by color or gender. Having a good fit personality wise will mean much more in the long run than the puppy color. But I still let you decide which puppy you want along with my recommendation.
In summary, the breeder always gets first pick. The rest of the puppies are picked in the order of deposit received. I will give my suggestion on which puppies would be best based on each puppy's personality, but the final decision is always up to you.
When do you start accepting reservation fees on certain litters?
We are no longer accepting reservation fees for certain litters. Rather we have a master list and as a litter becomes available we go down the list in order of the fee received, if you want to skip that litter (to big or too little, or wanting different gender or color), you do NOT loose your place in line.
What if I made my non-refundable reservation fee and then decide I don't want a puppy from the litter I had originally decided on?
Because we are switching to a master list instead of a list per litter. You can skip a litter and will still keep your order of the date your reservation fee was received. .
For example. You pay your reservation fee on 1/10, then when the puppies are ready to go home, you decide you don't want one of the puppies from the options left in the litter we are allocating. . You chose to wait for the next litter. Your reservation fee was still on 1/10, so you will be able to choose before anyone placing deposits after 1/10.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email or call me.
How much is the non-refundable reservation fee?
The non-refundable reservation fee is $500. This amount is subtracted from the total cost of the puppy.
How can I pay a reservation fee?
Before making paying a reservation fee, you must submit a puppy application and then be approved for a puppy.
I accept check, venmo, zelle, or a personal check, or paypal (if you use the friends and family link) for the non-refundable reservation free.
Deposits Received/ reservations rec
This is the master list, puppies are allocated in order of the deposits.
Date Deposits received:
Paula Maloof 11/11/ 2017 waiting
Felicia 9/4/2018 waiting
Lisa Flewellen -Amiee +Rob 7/20/2020 waiting
Sonia Lothrop 8/7/2020 waiting
Joseph Dressler 8/26/2020 waiting
Lisa Best 9/13/2020
Emily Cutt 5/3/2021
Thaine M 5/4/2021 waiting to see has to go back to work
Chessa D. 2/14/21 waiting a few years (circumstances have changed)
Arnolds 5/26/21-
If your name is above this line and are interested in getting a puppy that is already born ,or soon to be
born you MUST let me know ASAP (even before the litter is born) and we will move you down to actually getting a puppy!
All names above the line, could be waiting indefinitely, or have decided not to get a puppy. They are to let me know when they are wanting to choose from a particular litter! (when I know they want a puppy from a litter, I will move them below the line.)
Angela Stone 7/24/2023 a medium
We will not be having another litter until all the puppies have found homes, We hope to breed Hazel ,or Ginger (medium), Kona (standard) or a mini (Maddie, Nano, Starla, or Ecco,) which ever girl goes into heat first.