Ren's Puppies
small standards
Born 11/27/2018! Ready to go home 1/25/2019.
Expecting small standard sized puppies (Jack has produced larger puppies in the past so could have some bigger standards up to about 50 lbs). best guess would be 40-55 lbs
Individual Photos
Short term names while the puppies are with EllsWORTH Labradoodles will be Ren's Marvel"ous" puppies
Groot, and Rocket are still available (saving the best for last)
lime collar "Groot" Male
3-IMG_1386 |
2-IMG_1387 |
10-IMG_0560 |
05-IMG_0533 |
04-IMG_0532 |
10-IMG_8754 |
2/6/2018 weighs 12.5 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 8.9 lbsHe is the biggest of the litter |
6 weeks old weighs 6.13 lbs |
5 weeks old weighs 5.15 lbs |
the only black one with white on hischest and chin. |
4 weeks old weighs 4.2 lbs |
They are walking, and startingto play together. |
2 weeks old weighs 2.01 lbs |
1 week old weighs 1.12 lbs |
born at 10:30 pm birth weight 11.50oz |
Orange "Rocket raccoon" Male
02-IMG_1323 |
05-IMG_1346 |
03-IMG_1334 |
10-IMG_1417 |
07-IMG_1356 |
06-IMG_1349 |
01-IMG_1320 |
04-IMG_1336 |
12-IMG_1430 |
2/6/2019 weighs 11.07 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 7.13 lbs |
5 weeks old weighs 5.9 lbs. |
4 weeks old weighs 4.8 lbs |
He is the biggest of the litter |
3 weeks old |
2 weeks old weighs 2.39 lbs |
Born at 1:05 am birth weight 14.74oz |
Teal collar " Storm" Female
SOLD new name is Nike
10-IMG_1193 |
08-IMG_1175 |
06-IMG_1170 |
03-IMG_1164 |
04-IMG_1165 |
6/2/2019 weighs 10.3 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 6.7 lbsshe is the littlest, by just a few ounces. |
4-IMG_6053 |
6 weeks old weighs 5.3 lbs |
5 weeks old weighs 4.14 lbs |
1-IMG_4418 |
4-IMG_4432 |
she is going to be curly |
Dark Green collar "Hulk" male
dark Blue "Cap" Male
Sold moved to CA |
10-IMG_7958 |
11-IMG_7968 |
02-IMG_7943 |
06-IMG_7948 |
7 weeks old weighs 6.8 lbs |
They had their aptitudeevaluation today. |
so cute |
bath time |
loving the water |
such a good puppy |
all clean |
6 weeks old weighs 5.8 lbs |
he isn't living up to his name. |
He is the smallest of the boysthis week. |
5 weeks old weighs 4.7 lbs |
He is NOT the biggest |
such a cute nose |
4 Weeks old weighs 3.8 lbseating, playing, growing |
3 weeks old, didn't get a weighteyes are open, starting to walk on all 4's and bark |
2 weeks old weighs 2.39 lbs |
1 week old weight 1.1 lbs |
born at 8:36 weighed 13.40oz |
upside down boy |
8-IMG_1256 |
7-IMG_1252 |
6-IMG_1251 |
1-IMG_1239 |
4-IMG_1247 |
6/2/2019 weighs 11.4 lb |
11-IMG_7986 |
07-IMG_7978 |
12-IMG_7994 |
6 weeks old weighs 6.11 lbs |
He loves to be held and cuddles |
10-IMG_5839-001 |
5 weeks old weighs 5.4 lbs |
loves exploring |
4 weeks old weighs 3.13 lbs |
5 puppies almost weigh the very same |
3 weeks old, didn't get a weight |
all the puppies have their eyesopen now, |
2 weeks old weighs 2.07 lbs |
1 week old weighs 1.27 lbs |
born at 2:25 am birth weight 14.96 |
the biggest at birth |
Gray color "Panther" Male
7 weeks old weighs 7.10 lbs |
such a handsome boy |
yup all wet. |
5 weeks old weighs 5.5 lbs |
Ren is starting to wean them |
4 weeks old weighs 3.15 lbs |
walking, and playing |
2 weeks old weighs 2.09 lbs |
Red collar "Thor" Male
2/6/2019 weighs 10.11 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 7.8 lbs |
5 weeks old weighs 5.3 lbs |
4 weeks old weighs 3.13 lbs |
eyes are open |
1 week old weighs 1.11 lbs |
born at 9:15 PM Birth weight 12.98 |
Purple collar "Scarlet" Female
2/6/2019 weighs 10.14 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 77 lbs |
7-IMG_6103 |
2-IMG_6082 |
6 weeks old weighs 6.5 lbs |
5 weeks old weighs 5.1 lbs |
She looks so much like her Mom |
4 weeks old weighs 3.14 lbs |
3 weeks old, walking, barking |
2 weeks old weighs 2.01 lbs |
born at 12:47 pm birth weight 12.13 |
4-IMG_3240 |
3-IMG_3237 |
Pink collar "Shuri" Female
2/6/2019 weighs 10.13 lbs |
7 weeks old weighs 6.14 lbs |
6 weeks old weighs 5.11 lbs |
she loves people |
5 weeks old weighs 4.8 lbs |
they are eating puppy mush now |
she is so so cute |
2-IMG_5529 |
3 weeks growing so fast |
walking, barking, playing |
2 weeks old weighs 1.67 lbs |
she is the smallest this week |
born 9:28 birth weight 9.45 oz |
the smallest at birth |
Jan. 15, 2019 The puppies had baths this week, you can scroll through their individual pictures to see them. The whole litter did a great job at their aptitude evaluation on their 7th week old birthday. They were all pretty loving and sweet. you can watch the videos of their aptitude evaluations and click on the link below their picture on the aptitude evaluation page to see their scores and the notes taken during the evaluation.
Jan. 8, 2019 I took the 6 week old pictures just after they had eaten lunch, so they are a little wet and messy looking. Ren's puppies are eating 3 meals a day, usually the middle meal outside, and they play about an hour outside. Ren has pretty much weaned them, she likes to play with them, but won't let them nurse. They are curious and having so much fun learning and experiencing so many new things. I just love this darling little stage.