Oct 5, 2015
Only 3 Puppies Left
Time has gone by so quickly and it has been a crazy couple of weeks at the Ellsworth household (puppies, new grandson, a suprize visit...
Aug 27, 2015
Training Puppies: Sitting and Crate Training
Today I started teaching Maple's puppies to sit. I was amazed how quickly they learn. One handful of puppy food and almost all 8 had...

Jul 25, 2015
Temporary Names for Maple's Puppies
Maple's puppies are growing so quickly and ... they finally have temporary names! They will have initials for their names. First initial...

Jul 25, 2015
Pioneer Day Puppies
Ruby's puppies were born early in the morning of July 24th . It is a state holiday honoring the pioneers settling Utah. So in honor of...

Jul 20, 2015
Guess how many puppies Ruby will have
Ruby had her X-Ray and should have her puppies this weekend. How many puppies do you think she will have?

Jul 6, 2015
How many puppies can you count?
X-rays today. What is your guess how many? They should arrive some time between the 9th and the 15th. Oh we are so excited!