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Kona and  Orlando's Puppies

Born February 26, 2025
Ready to go home by April 25
There is availability in this litter!

If you would like one of these puppies, Please fill out the application and if you are approved, we will send you an e-mail explaining the process 

Puppies were born between 3:30am and 9:20 am

Puppies were born between 3:30am and 9:20 am

Kona is a calm and patient Mom

Kona is a calm and patient Mom

she likes cuddling with the pups

she likes cuddling with the pups

She is feeding and cleaning them great!

She is feeding and cleaning them great!

they are growing

they are growing

love the "rainbow" litter

love the "rainbow" litter

"rainbow" meaning we have more than one color.



milk bar is open for business

milk bar is open for business

two girls to the left and all 5 boys in a pile

two girls to the left and all 5 boys in a pile

Yellow collar "Vivalidi"

Yellow collar "Vivalidi"

and Orange collar Handel





they are strong and healthy

they are strong and healthy

nose color will darken later

nose color will darken later

Kona's pups

Kona's pups

Here is an x ray taken last Thursday

here she is 2 days before delivery

here she is 2 days before delivery

Hanna and Travis (the guardians of Kona) decided on a "famous composers" for their "short term" names -until the names are changed by their forever families.

"Mozart" male Caramel coat red collar

first born at 3 :30 am weighing 14.5 oz.

first born at 3 :30 am weighing 14.5 oz.

after a long day and night of labor finally this darling boy was born.

he looks like Orlando

he looks like Orlando

He looks like his dad

He looks like his dad

at 3 days old he weighed 1.19 lbs

at 3 days old he weighed 1.19 lbs

"Bach" male Black coat green collar

2nd born at 3 :45 am

2nd born at 3 :45 am

Yippee he looks a lot like his Mom Kona

birth weight 14.9 oz

birth weight 14.9 oz



"Brahms" male Caramel coat blue collar

3rd born at 4:10 am birth weight 15.9 oz.

3rd born at 4:10 am birth weight 15.9 oz.

He was pretty wiggly

He was pretty wiggly

Brahms acted hungry

Brahms acted hungry

and he really enjoyed sucking my grandson's finger good thing puppies don't have thumbs.

and he really enjoyed sucking my grandson's finger good thing puppies don't have thumbs.

love the little heart on his head.

love the little heart on his head.

my grandson is in love

my grandson is in love

my daughter and her son were nice enough to help with the photo shoot

my daughter and her son were nice enough to help with the photo shoot



he is an ALD and will be registered with the ALAA The Australian Labradoodle Association of America.

such a cute ALD

such a cute ALD

multigeneration Australian labradoodle.

"Miranda" female Chocolate coat pink collar

5th born at 6:16am birth weight 14.4

5th born at 6:16am birth weight 14.4

so happy to get a girl after 4 boys in a row.

so happy to get a girl after 4 boys in a row.

sweet little Miranda

sweet little Miranda

she was named after the only current composer of the group Lin Manel Miranda...

"Handel" male Chocolate coat orange collar

4th born at 4:44 am  birth weight 14.5 lbs

4th born at 4:44 am birth weight 14.5 lbs

Handel is mostly chocolate, with a tiny white sole match

Handel is mostly chocolate, with a tiny white sole match

My grandson was so gentle and calm around the puppies .

My grandson was so gentle and calm around the puppies .

"Valvaldi" male Chocolate curly coat yellow collar

6th born at 9:00am birth weight 15 oz.

6th born at 9:00am birth weight 15 oz.

He was the biggest at birth.

He is also the curliest at birth

He is also the curliest at birth





"Maria Callas " female Caramel coat purple collar

7th and last born at 9:20 am birth weight 13.7 lbs

7th and last born at 9:20 am birth weight 13.7 lbs

she is the littlest but only by a little bit!

she has the lightest coat, and the most  white markings

she has the lightest coat, and the most white markings

because of her black coated mama she may darken in color

because of her black coated mama she may darken in color

She is the only one without a "composer" name

She is the only one without a "composer" name

instead she was named after Maria Callas a famous Opera singer

she has a little heart on her head too

she has a little heart on her head too

Meet the parents

Kona after a haircut

Kona after a haircut



Kona playing with Freddy

Kona playing with Freddy



kona and puppy

kona and puppy

Kona and Travis

Kona and Travis

Ell's Kona   

Registration Number: ALAA-101219

Multigeneration Australian Labradoodle

Size:  standard

DOB: 10 February.2021

Height: about 24 inches 

Weight: about 55lbs

Color: Black with white markings

Coat: Wavy fleece

Sire: Fern Ridge Billy James (Jack) ALAA-048987

Dam: Ell's Greta spiced Rosemary Ty ALAA-061840

Official OFA:hips-good,elbows-normal,

cardiac-normal, patella-normal, thyroid -normal

CERF Eyes: normal

DNA: profile on record

PRA-prcd-normal /clear

EIC- normal Clear


 From Hanna the guardain of Kona, "We chose to get Kona in 2021, and from the moment she joined our little family, we were in love. As a puppy, she was incredibly tender and sweet, with a fascination for crawling into spaces whether that was underneath our couch, or under bushes in search of field mice. She was a calm puppy, and grew into a calm adult, with a love for cuddles on the couch. She enjoys playing with other dogs, although she does prefer playing with her humans, and loves being outside, just existing in the sunlight, preferably with a ball in her mouth.She has become an amazing mom, trusting us (the humans) around her puppies from day 1."

sweet Orlando

sweet Orlando

Orlando groomed

Orlando groomed

Orlando is my "heart " dog. We so love this boy! He LOVES all puppies and loves to play, he LOVES affection and loves to be petted and to get attention. He loves us to throw a ball and loves bringing it back. He is getting good at catching it in the air. He loves car rides and to be next to me. 

Ell's Orlando   

Registration Number: ALAA-097705

Multigeneration Australian Labradoodle

Size:  medium

DOB: 2 Dec.2020

Height: 21 inches (small standard/large medium) 

Weight: 38 lbs

Color: Caramel

Coat: Wavy fleece

Sire: Jubilee May Day Morty

dam: Ell's Maui is WORTH the Love

Penn-hips . R-0.38  L-0.39

Official OFA- hips good

   elbows -normal



CERF Eyes: normal

DNA: profile on record

 Co-efficant in breeding 10g - 0.5

caer -eyes free of genetic disease

elbows-negative, normal


WT/WT -WT, wild type (normal);

M, mutant; Y, Y chromosome (male)

PRA-prcd-normal /clear

Clear by parentage for EIC








EllsWORTH Labradoodles Doodles WORTH adoring!

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