This is an amazing on-line lifetime membership trainer. We have partnered with Amy Jensen, owner of Baxter & Bella Puppy Training and creator of "PUPPY PREP," a popular step-by-step online training curriculum for discounted pricing on her PUPPY PREPARED program, an exclusive immersion training program. Click here to learn more about Amy and the services she offers. A few years ago she trained of our pups, Chili, to be an Autism Service Dog . Use the discount code: ELLSWORTH and get 25% off the life time membership of this amazing online training system.
Go to https://www.baxterandbella.com/ When you are done shopping and want to check out, click "enter a promo code" and type in ELLSWORTH (all caps) and get a 25% discount!
My name is Amy Jensen, owner of Baxter & Bella Puppy Training & professional service dog trainer for Good Dog! Autism Companions. In addition, I am very blessed to be married to the love of my life Scott and mother to our three beautiful children, all of who offer me full support in living my dream working in an industry I love.
Puppy training has been a lifelong passion of mine and dogs are among my most favorite creatures! I have worked with many breeds over the years and have found Australian Labradoodles to be the perfect dog! Why you ask? You know the smell when your dog comes in dripping wet from the rain outside, that wet dog smell? Australian Labradoodles don’t have that! And shedding? They don’t do that either! Not to mention they are super easy to train because they are so incredibly smart and they by far make the best cuddle buddies. Our family loves their medium size, silky soft hair and funny personalities. They truly become part of us from the very moment they arrive in our home.
After years of training puppies for families, I decided to create an online puppy school, Puppy Prep, to reach more people in hopes of better educating pet owners how to effectively train their dogs. I believe if more people had the tools necessary to train their dog well, more puppies would stay in loving homes where they belong. It is for this reason I put together my training site at and hope to share it with as many people as possible. I continue to train puppies for others in my home and thoroughly enjoy teaching families how to best interact with their canine companions.
My family and I live in beautiful northern Utah and were fortunate to meet JoAn with Ellsworth Labradoodles a while ago as I began training one of her cream puppies, Chili, to be an Autism Service Dog. He is an amazing dog with so much potential. JoAn puts a lot of time and effort into raising quality puppies, creating great potential service dogs, something trainers truly appreciate.
For more information on Puppy Prepared, Professional Puppy Immersion Training with Baxter and Bella, please click HERE.