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Online Puppy Training Classes

We have partnered with Baxter & Bella and we are offering discounted online puppy training.

Are you interested in purchasing a trained puppy or looking for those special tips and tricks to do it yourself? We have partnered with Amy Jensen, owner of Baxter & Bella Puppy Training and creator of "PUPPY PREP," a popular step-by-step online training curriculum for discounted pricing on her PUPPY PREPARED program, an exclusive immersion training program. Click here to learn more about Amy and the services she offers. She is currently training one of our pups, Chili, to be an Autism Service Dog and is now accepting applications to train additional puppies. 

Baxter and Bella puppy training

Go to and choose the training you desire. When you are done shopping and want to check out, click "enter a promo code" and type in ELLSWORTH (all caps) and get a 25% discount!

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