Alumni and Testimonials
Here at EllsWORTH Labradoodles, we LOVE our dogs and our puppies. When they go to their forever homes it is a bittersweet time for us. We are so happy for the love and adventures that they have ahead of them. Some of our puppies have grown to be therapy dogs and others to be beloved family members. After your puppy goes home with you, we will continue to be a life long resource for you and hope you enjoy your fantastic new family member. Here are a few pictures and letters from our alumni. Labradoodle puppies are some of the cutest puppies around!

Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to you and your family from Buster, Stroman and the rest of the Mees! As you can see, these precious guys have gotten so big and handsome! They are incredibly bright and have the most wonderful and loving personalities. They bring more joy to our lives than we ever imagined was possible! Thank you again!!!

Louis (formerly Nick)
Taking all of our dogs into consideration Louis is the best behaved puppy that we have ever had. Since we brought him home, he has only done "his business" outside and on command. He understands come and sit. Ellsworth Labradoodles, you have done an amazing job!!! Today we start training which may be easier than we thought. Louis is a love and we are in love.
And he sleeps through the night and does not even whimper and I mean from 10:00 P.M - 7:00A.M.

We have had Vivien home now since late September. She has chewed her share of shoes, paper, socks and toys. She is a beautiful puppy with the sweetest disposition. She has been very easy to house break and although we still use her crate she is allowed to sleep in our bed with us each night and we have never had an issue. Her one vice is chewing and believe me we have toys and bully sticks all over the house. She loves to play fetch and is quite social with other dogs. Since we both work she goes to puppy daycare at least once a week when we have our long clinic days and can’t get home. We are pleased that she rarely barks unless she needs to go outside, and never at strangers or other dogs. We love to walk although the cold winter weather has stopped us the last week or so. She absolutely loves the snow, she rolls around like she is making snow angels. We are just crazy about her and so grateful for the wonderful care she received in your home giving her a healthy start in life.
I have attached photos of Vivien taken in our home this past week so you can see what a beautiful girl she has become.

I just want you to know that I LOVE my dog!!! He is the most amazing sweet boy. I can't believe he is 3 today. You have no idea how many people want to know where I got him because they want one just like him. Thank you for him.

Scooter has been a great addition to our family. He is doing well and getting big. He is pretty well house trained. Every once in a while he will have an accident in the house. He loves to go on walks and play in the snow. We currently are attending the intermediate puppy school class through Petsmart. He is responding very well to new commands and tasks. My kids adore Scooter. We take him everywhere we can. We lost our yellow lab which we had for 14 years last month. Having Scooter was a blessing during this tough time.

We've sure enjoyed her. Jeff often asks how I picked such a great puppy. She is perfect for our family. I have tons of photos, I'll send them along. :)
This picture - she got a special birthday treat. Jeff grilled her up a small steak, she ate all the steak and left the kibble.

Hello there we just wanted to email you some more pictures of Olive and let you know she is such a great dog and has been an absolute joy! We are also wondering if you are planning on having another litter and when? We are very interested in getting another doodle sometime in the near future, preferably a male. Olive absolutely loves the water, we go to the lake at least twice a week and she is quite the swimmer! She loves the dog park and was a little timid to the lager dogs at first but is now starting to warm up. Her piddle problem has gotten a lot better, we realized that it was mainly our fault by getting her so excited when we saw her. I can't lie it is very hard not to get excited when we see her because she is soo dang cute but we have trained ourselves to be better. She is now weighing in at 28lbs although she looks heavier her curly coat is deceiving. Thanks again keep in touch.

We Love Blue so much!! We thank our lucky stars every day that we have such an awesome dog. He definitely makes the family complete and is a constant source of love and entertainment. Thank you so much!
Thank you for Blue so much. He is our little doofus.

Here is an e-mail from when Scotty was only 10 weeks old:
"Thanks for checking in. Perfect timing too! Scotty is doing great. We were finally able to get to our vet today and Scotty checked out great.
He's soooo smart. On Thanksgiving, we built a 4X4 foot box on the deck and tied a bell to the back door. He's been ringing the bell and doing his business in the box. Very incredible! He's learning to fetch, he sits great, and he's been doing pretty good on the chewing."

Ty is "the Best"! He loves walks and riding in the car. Plays nice with the cat (at least most of the time). He will still steal TP and socks if given a chance. He weighs 36# and has been very healthy.
Just wanted to drop you a note and update you on Nala (or nala bear as we like to call her). She weighs about 19 lbs and her vet says that she probably has 3-4 more months of growth left. We took her in this morning for her second groom, picture attached. I just can't express how much we love this little dog. We take on her a walk every night, she loves to chase a tennis ball, she loves to swim in our pool (some mornings she just sits on the first step and cools off),and she is such a little cuddle bear. We have taken her on a few road trips and she is perfect! Thank you again